
Polar Night Energy Releases a White Paper: The Sand Battery Can Power The Change From Fossil Fuels to Wind & Solar Energy

To mitigate climate change, we need solutions to store energy from weather dependent renewable sources, such as solar and wind. In order to thrive, these solutions need to be environmentally and socially sustainable as well as economically viable – like Polar Night Energy’s Sand Battery.

A person reading Polar Night Energy's white paper on sustainability.

Climate change mitigation requires solutions that align with three essential criteria: environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and economic viability. Polar Night Energy's white paper demonstrates how the Sand Battery performs in these areas, presenting a holistic approach to accelerating the global transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

“It is our guiding principle to ambitiously upscale solar and wind and even more ambitiously downscale combustion-based technologies”, says Polar Night Energy’s CTO Markku Ylönen.

Polar Night Energy’s Sand Battery can be used to reduce climate emissions and pollution as well as advance circular economy. The Sand Battery can take in massive amounts of excess low-emission electricity, while retaining the energy in a useful form that can be used when most needed. This enables the upscaling of wind and solar production.

The Sand Battery connects the electricity sector to heating sector to replace combustion-based technologies. Almost the entire heat consumption sector can make the transition to clean energy with the help of thermal energy storages.

The operation of the Sand Battery doesn’t release any pollutants to the surrounding air. Its robust design and compatibility with existing infrastructure make it a cost-effective and ecological choice.

Polar Night Energy prefers to use sand or sand-like materials that are not suitable for construction industry. High density, low-cost materials that are not from scarce sources are preferred. Someone else’s dirt, like mine waste, could be Polar Night Energy’s thermal energy storage medium.

The white paper highlights the social sustainability aspects of Polar Night Energy's approach, showcasing the company's commitment to providing affordable, clean energy solutions. By collaborating with local partners and contractors, Polar Night Energy supports job creation, community development, and upholds ethical governance and human rights standards.

The Sand Battery's impact extends beyond the technical realm, as it has inspired individuals worldwide to explore clean energy solutions. Media attention has further raised awareness about the potential of the Sand Battery to transform the energy landscape.

Economically, Polar Night Energy's design maximizes the use of renewable energy, reduces costs, and generates income through grid balancing markets. This not only benefits clients but also contributes to local economic growth and enhances client’s brand value.

As Polar Night Energy plans to scale the Sand Battery technology globally, the company remains committed to fostering strategic partnerships with all stakeholders. The vision is clear: cleaner energy production is not only possible but necessary for a sustainable future.

Read the white paper in Docsend:

Polar Night Energy’s White Paper on Sustainability: “Powering Change – The Sand Battery Can Power The Change From Fossil Fuels to Wind & Solar Energy”

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This article was conducted under the project NewSETS – New energy storages promoting sustainable energy transition in societies.

This project has received funding in the framework of the joint programming initiative ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems’ focus initiatives Smart Grids Plus and Integrated, Regional Energy Systems, with support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements No 646039 and 775970.

The content and views expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinion of the ERA-Net SES initiative. Any reference given does not necessarily imply the endorsement by ERA-Net SES.