polar night energy

Polar Night Energy Takes Part in NewSETS – A Project Implementing Novel Storage Solutions for a Sustainable Energy Transition

A consortium lead by Flexens Oy Ab has succeeded in securing funding through the ERA-Net SES MiCall19 framework. The other consortium partners are LUT University, Polar Night Energy Oy and Pumped Hydro Storage Sweden Ab. With a total budget of 4.1 million euros, the three-year project called NewSETS focuses on novel energy storage solutions.

Launching NewSETS project – implementing novel storage solutions for a sustainable energy transition

NewSETS, short for "New energy storages promoting sustainable energy transition in societies", is all about storing energy. The project centres around two main storage types: seasonal heat storage and underground pumped hydro storage.

The former storage type is developed by the Finnish company Polar Night Energy and uses high-temperature sand to store heat. The latter, provided by the Swedish company Pumped Hydro Storage, employs conventional pumped hydro methods in a new space: underground. Both technologies present low-emission and innovative approaches to energy storage.

NewSETS links demonstrations, feasibility studies, market and system analyses with ambitious communication efforts. The underground pumped hydro storage will be demonstrated in the project, while the team will perform feasibility studies for the seasonal heat storage. In addition, the effects of the two storage types on the energy system will be comprehensively studied - also in combination with other storage solutions.

The NewSETS project aims to establish a positive outlook among energy stakeholders and make climate change mitigation efforts visible to everyone through skilful communication. It is an ambitious project rooted in international collaboration and mutual interests in a sustainable energy transition.

"NewSETS combines professionals with different perspectives on a common problem: how to stabilize energy networks with new kinds of storage solutions. The project offers us a wonderful chance to examine how our high temperature sand-based heat storage could be tailored to best serve diverse customers and applications", says Polar Night Energy’s Project Manager Liisa Naskali.

NewSETS officially started in the summer of 2021. Now, the joint communication of NewSETS is finally launched through the project’s own webpage. Juhani Riikonen, project manager, anticipates a fruitful continued collaboration.

"Looking forward to working with the consortium on this. It will be interesting to see how these storage types can benefit energy systems and complement each other in the renewable energy transition", says Riikonen.

Visit NewSETS official webpage at www.newsets.eu.

Project Partners

Flexens Oy Ab is a project developer and investor implementing critical technologies needed to enable societies to run 100 % renewable energy sources. Flexens was founded in 2018 to capitalize on the skills and capabilities created in building the world-leading RES testbed and demo platform, Smart Energy Åland, capturing the rapidly growing demand for renewable energy systems. Through a public-private-partnership with multi-level actors on Åland, Flexens has founded a clear pathway and developed the essential framework needed to ensure rapid novel RES technology diffusion and implementation.

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology) is a pioneering science university in Finland, bringing together the fields of science and business since 1969.

Polar Night Energy designs and builds high temperature & low emission heat storages for district heating and industrial applications.

Pumped Hydro Storage solution enables large-scale electricity storage with the help of proven technology combined with the unique idea of installing pumping power in abandoned mines. The storage method (PSH) is characterized by low cost, high efficiency, and long service life.

More About MICALL19

ERA-Net SES Joint Call 2019 On Energy Storage Solutions Framework

Smart Energy Systems ERA-Net logo

This project has received funding in the framework of the joint programming initiative ERA-Net Smart Energy Systems.

The initiative has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements no. 646039 and no. 755970.

Polar Night Energy Raised Half a Million Euros - Two New Members to The Board of Directors

Polar Night Energy raised half a million euros in its funding round. At the same time, two new members were appointed to the company's Board of Directors: Antti Aarnio and Saku Oikarinen.

See below for the Finnish version.


Polar Night Energy is a Tampere-based startup that designs and builds heat storages for renewable energy.

The company raised about half a million euros in its just-completed round of financing. The funding is used to hire employees, develop products, and commercialize services.

– The successful financing round enables our market entry and leads us to a growth path. We are at a good position in several negotiations of commercial-scale plants, says Markku Ylönen, Chairman of the Board of Polar Night Energy.

The financing round was led by Liquido Ventures Oy, which specializes in helping Finnish early-stage high-tech startups.

– There is a huge need in the world to store renewable energy and the market is desiring for solutions that are climate-friendly. Polar Night Energy has great potential, says Jussi Muurikainen, CEO of Liquido Ventures.

A number of angel investors and business professionals participated in the financing round. According to Muurikainen, Polar Night Energy convinced investors with scalable technology, a reliable team, and a strong research base.

Growth and sales expertise to the Board of Polar Night Energy

Polar Night Energy's Annual General Meeting elected two new members to the company's Board of Directors: Antti Aarnio and Saku Oikarinen.

Polar Night Energy’s new board members Antti Aarnio and Saku Oikarinen.

Polar Night Energy’s new board members Antti Aarnio and Saku Oikarinen.

Antti Aarnio is the director of the Technology Industries of Finland Centennial Foundation and the CEO of the Finnish Foundation for Technology Promotion. Aarnio has a master's degree in economics.

He has worked in business, science, and research for over 20 years. During his career, Aarnio has been closely developing the business of more than a hundred companies. Among other things, Aarnio has run a business accelerator and been involved in commercializing university-based business ideas.

– In my career, I have been involved in evaluating more than 3,000 different business ideas or technologies. I see that Polar Night Energy has all the elements to a big story. The company has a unique technology, a great team and it works in an important field, says Aarnio.

Saku Oikarinen is the Country Director of Finland and Norway at Reckitt (Reckitt Hygiene). He has made his career in sales and management positions. He has a master's degree in economics. Oikarinen is also involved as an investor.

– I invested in Polar Night Energy because I am concerned about the environment. I want to help us find solutions to the climate crisis. I have two children and already in their lifetime the situation will go really bad if we do not find sensible solutions to the crisis. These must also be financially profitable, Oikarinen says.

Oikarinen has first-hand experience of growing a company internationally, leading to its successful acquisition. He also intends to use that expertise on the PNE board.

– There is a lot of engineering work behind Polar Night Energy. Personally, I try to bring in my experience in commercialization, customer strategies and sales work.

Founding shareholders Markku Ylönen, Tommi Eronen and Mikko Paananen will continue as old members of the Board of Directors. Ylönen will continue as Chairman of the Board.

Contact information

Markku Ylönen
Chairman of the board
+358 45 7832 8399

Polar Night Energy designs and builds high temperature & zero emission heat storages. / www.polarnightenergy.fi

Polar Night Energy keräsi puoli miljoonaa euroa – hallitukseen kaksi uutta jäsentä

Polar Night Energy keräsi rahoituskierroksellaan puoli miljoonaa euroa. Samalla yrityksen hallitukseen nimettiin kaksi uutta jäsentä: Antti Aarnio ja Saku Oikarinen.

Polar Night Energy on tamperelainen energia-alan startup, joka suunnittelee ja rakentaa uusiutuvan energian lämpövarastoja.

Yritys keräsi juuri päättyneellä rahoituskierroksellaan noin puoli miljoonaa euroa. Rahoitus käytetään työntekijöiden palkkaamiseen, tuotekehitykseen ja palveluiden kaupallistamiseen.

– Onnistuneen rahoituskierroksen avulla pääsemme markkinoille ja myymään ratkaisuamme. Saamme kaupallistamisen kunnolla käyntiin, sanoo Polar Night Energyn hallituksen puheenjohtaja Markku Ylönen.

Rahoituskierroksen veti suomalainen Liquido Ventures Oy, joka on erikoistunut auttamaan suomalaisia varhaisen vaiheen korkean teknologian startupeja.

– Maailmalla on valtava tarve saada uusiutuvaa energiaa varastoitua ja markkinoilla on jäätävä imu ratkaisuista, jotka ovat ilmastoystävällisiä. Polar Night Energyllä on todella suuri markkinapotentiaali, sanoo Liquido Venturesin toimitusjohtaja Jussi Muurikainen.

Rahoituskierrokseen osallistui joukko enkelisijoittajia ja bisnesammattilaisia. Muurikaisen mukaan Polar Night Energy vakuutti sijoittajat skaalautuvalla teknologialla, luotettavalla tiimillä ja vahvalla tutkimuspohjalla.

Kasvu- ja myyntiosaamista Polar Night Energyn hallitukseen

Polar Night Energyn yhtiökokous valitsi yrityksen hallitukseen kaksi uutta jäsentä: Antti Aarnion ja Saku Oikarisen.

Antti Aarnio on Teknologiateollisuuden 100-vuotissäätiön johtaja ja Tekniikan edistämissäätiön toimitusjohtaja. Koulutukseltaan Aarnio on kauppatieteiden maisteri.

Hän on toiminut yli 20 vuotta liiketoiminnan, tieteen ja tutkimuksen parissa. Uransa aikana Aarnio on ollut läheisesti kehittämässä yli sadan yrityksen liiketoimintaa. Aarnio on muun muassa vetänyt yrityskiihdyttämöä ja ollut mukana kaupallistamassa yliopistolähtöisiä yritysideoita.

– Olen urallani ollut mukana arvioimassa yli 3000 erilaista liikeideaa tai teknologiaa. Näen, että Polar Night Energyssä on kaikki elementit isoon tarinaan. Yrityksellä on uniikki teknologia, mainio tiimi ja se toimii tärkeällä alalla, sanoo Aarnio.

Saku Oikarinen on Reckittin (Reckitt Hygiene) Suomen ja Norjan maajohtaja. Hän on tehnyt työuransa myynnin ja johtamisen tehtävissä. Koulutukseltaan hän on kauppatieteiden maisteri. Oikarinen on mukana myös sijoittajana.

– Sijoitin Polar Night Energyyn, koska olen huolissani ympäristöstä. Haluan vaikuttaa siihen, että löydämme ratkaisuja ilmastokriisiin. Minulla on kaksi lasta ja jo heidän elinaikanaan tilanne tulee menemään todella huonoksi, jollemme löydä kriisiin järkeviä ratkaisuja. Näiden tulee olla myös taloudellisesti kannattavia, Oikarinen sanoo.

Oikarisella on omakohtaista kokemusta kasvuyrityksen kasvattamisesta kansainväliseksi aina yrityskauppaan asti. Sitä osaamista hän aikoo hyödyntää myös PNE:n hallituksessa.

– Polar Night Energyn taustalla on paljon insinöörityötä. Itse pyrin tuomaan mukaan kokemustani kaupallistamisesta, asiakasstrategioista ja myyntityöstä.

Vanhoina jäseninä Polar Night Energyn hallituksessa jatkavat perustajaosakkaat Markku Ylönen, Tommi Eronen ja Mikko Paananen. Ylönen jatkaa myös hallituksen puheenjohtajana.


Markku Ylönen
hallituksen puheenjohtaja
045 7832 8399

Polar Night Energy suunnittelee ja rakentaa uusiutuvan energian lämpövarastoja. / www.polarnightenergy.fi